I hear from others that tell of their circle of family and friends, their careers, their obligations. In quiet moments when they are revealing some of their most vulnerable thoughts-they feel lost.
Who are they?

• An employee who went the extra mile AGAIN and no one noticed. Someone else took the credit.

• A mom who is exhausted from serving her family’s needs so much that she hasn’t thought of herself as an individual for years. She is a robot who keeps the routines moving.

• A wife or husband who look like a great couple to all appearances. Oh, they absolutely love their spouse. But lately, deep down—the loneliness is a dark cloud that feels suffocating at times.

• The child who tries to get it right-chores, grades, etc but always feels they’re not quite good enough and maybe, one day, their parent or family will say they’ve had enough and leave them.

You know the needs Lord. You know the pretty faces we all paint and strap on our uniforms to do it all One More Time. One More Day. We are weary and dry. Actually starving for living water to fill those empty places that no one seems able to touch.

Then the guilt comes (we didn’t think the enemy would pass up the chance to jump on us with guilt, did we?).

We’re blessed to have a job, family, spouse, parent or child. So who are we to complain? Other people would love to have what we do—so quit feeling sorry for ourselves. Something must be wrong with us or we wouldn’t be so ungrateful. Familiar?

I think of your word Lord. The Living Water that satisfies and never leaves us thirsty for more. I’m always thirsty for more when I try to quench things on my own.

• The spouse who thinks they should leave the marriage for something more fulfilling. It must just be the spouse I have—everyone else seems so happy. Are they? Or are they also putting on a mask? Are we looking for our spouses to fill something inside that is specifically designed ONLY for you Lord? If so, they’ll never be able to fill that void. Ever. They were never supposed to.

• I keep doing what my friends want-good or bad-and I’ll finally have the circle of friends I’ve always wanted. Celebrities and famous people do this all the time: name drop. Go places just to be seen with other influential people. Tell everyone they are friends with this or that famous person. Now I’ll be justified. Now I’m considered important and people will notice me. I won’t be invisible anymore. I’ll finally be SOMEONE.

It’s so true that many days we are empty and lonely. In a room full of people, we’re crying inside. We pray for You Father to intervene and fill us up. We sometimes pray for You to send someone into our lives to fill that void: a spouse, a friend, a baby. These are real concerns and no easy cliché will make the deep void go away.

So who are we?
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Our souls are protected from the enemy. He can whisper and taunt but he cannot take us from your hand. We choose how to handle his temptations. We may feel miserable with our circumstances or if the enemy’s rants have taken hold in our minds. But we are yours. Sometimes we lose sight of this basic fact and react to our surroundings.

So we are Your children Lord and we are suffering at times. We cry out to you for relief and sometimes don’t feel it’s enough. What can we do? We know you love us but why are these situations continuing and how do we handle it?

It’s in Your word: Praise. Worship. Even in horrible circumstances, we can still find something to praise the Father.

So I encourage you—even if you are in a ‘dry’ season or a bountiful one. Praise. Even if you don’t feel like it, offer worship.

Father, I pray for your touch and guidance in all circumstances.



What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also. 1 Corinthians 14:15

Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. Hebrews 13:15-16

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! (1 John 3:1)